Earth Soul Images - Mark Lamb

Hello. Hola. Namaste.

Earth Soul Images is about Places. People. Passion.

The past decade-plus has been dedicated to taking on assignments that resonate at a very personal level.

So, I set up Earth Soul Images to house my experience and share my work.

Earth Soul Images - Mark Lamb
Earth Soul Images - Mark Lamb
Earth Soul Images - Mark Lamb

I am drawn to exploring diverse geo-cultures with the aim to stir conversation, through photography, around our rich tapestry of community culture because their rhythm of life that will, one-day, be a thing of the past.

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Authentic, unmasked, serendipitous moments unfold as I engage respectfully and connect, at a personal level, with the large majority of people and places photographed. Thus, making what I do even more special. It ensures too that the observer gets to celebrate a very real connection with the people and places.

Enjoy and thanks for dropping by.
